Ready to start really LIVING your values...
instead of just wondering how you can help make change?
Create a plan to become an Active Ally and start making a real impact with your business.
Active Ally
[ak-tiv al-ahy]
noun, plural ac·tive al·lies.
A person, group, or nation that is associated with another or others for some common cause or purpose and is engaged in action for that cause.
[d e and i]
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The efforts taken to create a more welcoming environment for people of less-privileged identities.
Social Justice
[ soh-shuhl juhs-tis ]
Fair treatment of all people in a society, including respect for the rights of minorities and equitable distribution of resources among members of a community.
In the past five years, these questions have been coming up more and more:
“I want to help, but what do I need to do?”
“How can I be a part of the change?”
“What do I need to do to become a better Ally?”

With every movement, protest, and whistle blown we become more and more aware that we all have a personal responsibility in shaping our current and future generations.
We’ve witnessed repression and hate and have heard the call to stand up for values of diversity, equity, and inclusivity -
BUT, this is not something that we’ve been taught how to do.
- We didn’t have DE&I in Entrepreneurship 101.
- We didn’t have representation showing us how to do this.
- And we’ve seen so many people shamed around saying the wrong thing, that sometimes we’re scared to ask the questions we need to ask to be a better Ally.
Our biases, education shame culture, and fear of saying the wrong thing too often hold us back from participating in social justice change - let alone LEADING that change!
It's time for our brands to embody our values and create real change.
It’s time to overcome the blocks keeping us from standing up and amplify social justice by joining a safe space for exploring and developing our Active Allyship.
- No shaming your from not knowing yet what you don't know.
- No putting you down before lifting you up.
- No "Google it on your own"s or refusing questions.

This is why I'm committed to putting more
It’s not enough anymore to
make a disconnected post of support,
or give a donation,
or just read the books and
then throw something on your site about equality...
while really wishing you could be DOING something that makes a bigger impact.
We’re shifting focus to improving our corner of the world and fostering a diverse community, putting empathy back into social justice and doing our part as online entrepreneurs to make a difference.
Woah, I feel like you speaking directly to me >

I’m Lekeshia Angelique. Army Veteran, Mom, Coach, Taco Aficionado, and creator of safe spaces to educate folx. The key to change is knowledge and empathy. It is important to me to create a culture of knowledge, as the more knowledgeable we are of one another’s experiences, the more likely it is that we will take the steps to effect change.
While working for over 20 years for the U.S Army and the Federal Government, I have taken many different paths that have led me to where I am today.
Most often, I have been the only Black woman in powerful meetings. I’ve had to learn not only to have a seat at the table but a voice while there.
Time and again, I saw the need to empower more women in leadership roles and the massive need to fill the gaps in businesses around diversity, equity, and inclusion education.
My unique educational background has also led me (unknowingly) to be in the position I am in today, owning my own business doing exactly what I love. I completed a year under the mentorship of the Diversity and Inclusion Executive at Colgate, where I gained valuable lessons and practical, hands-on experience in a large corporate setting.
This path has given me the confidence to move away from corporate life where, after a time, I found myself miserable. It has taught me about failure, empathy, mentoring, and the ability to meet people where they’re at without judgement.
My mission is to empower not just Black women but every human to have a powerful voice and an equitable seat at any table they desire to be seated at.
- Diversity Management Certification | Cornell University
- Master's of Psychology | Northcentral University
- Master's of Criminal Justice | Columbia College
“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”
We've created a safe environment that makes you want to step up to become an Ally - without ever shaming you or pushing you down for things you weren’t yet educated on.
You belong in...

Learn what it means to be an Active Ally and the best ways to integrate true anti-racist and meaningful social justice practices in your business.
This 6 WEEK PROGRAM is for people who have the desire to make a change, but don’t know where to start:
Conscious and Curious Entrepreneurs
Diversity-prioritizing Small Businesses
Passionate Online Allies
Introducing a program where everyone is welcome...

(Valued at $1,200)
(Valued at $397)
Strategic Diversity
(Valued at $1,997)
PLUS: Active Ally Certification
Community Calls, Dos and Don'ts, and Safe Space for Growth
Valued at $3,594
Today's Price = $997
or 2 payments of $499

Grow your business by embracing diversity! Now is the time to act.
- Strengthen your inclusive language and understanding, so that you stop worrying about saying the wrong thing.
- Navigate the unknown how-tos with confidence, even though you have no idea where to start right now.
- Integrate social justice values into your business, without beating yourself up about not doing it earlier.
- Launch an implementation plan specific to your industry, so you can gain a competitive edge by being an Ally.
- Resolve inner conflict and shame so that you can communicate with the assurance that you’re not offending anyone.
- Demonstrate your Ally leadership, without alienating peers or family with different values.
- Increase demand over your competitors by living your values and standing on the right side of history.
Build inclusive relationships with your clients and peers and push through your discomfort with solid social justice education - so you can learn to stand up for your beliefs and have your business benefit because of it!
Become an Ally >

Six Week Program Features:

Week #1:
Allyship Goals Defined
Program Intake and Assessment
To know where we’re going, we have to know where we are. We’ll study your current position and see where you’d like to go with your Allyship.
Walk away with:
- Increased awareness around what impact you want to make.
- The foundation for your Allyship plan.

Week #2:
Shift to Solutions
Creating Your DE&I Statement
Together we’ll develop a strategic diversity, equity, and inclusion plan and build out how to put it into motion.
Walk away with:
- An established, actionable plan with clear business rationale in mind.
- Strategy aligned with your organizational mission, vision, and values.

Week #3:
Observer to Ally
From silence to stance
Don't get stuck in the planning and learning process, but never take action. Let’s learn how to walk the walk instead of just talk the talk!
Walk away with:
- A clear view of how you can show up as an inclusive leader.
- Alignment of your plan and real life action steps so your Allyship is an active and effective role.

Week #4:
Mobilized Marketing
Insuring social justice is part of your brand
View your business through the lens of your consumers so you can plan what kind of impact your values have on your marketing efforts and Allyship.
Walk away with:
- Clarity on how your brand shows up in the public space.
- Steps for how you can increase positive client perception.

Week #5:
New Networking
Conscious Communication and Relationship Building
We all want to be our authentic selves without fear of judgement. Make your business a safe space where you can support all people.
Walk away with:
- Discover how biases and microaggressions can impact your culture and relationships.
- Learn to support peers, employees, and contractors.

Week #6:
Global Allyship
Conducting Inclusive Business Globally
Gain a better understanding of the impact of doing business in a borderless world.
Walk away with:
- A movement from the single world view.
- A plan to balance between anchoring your efforts locally while pushing for global equities.
- Deeper knowledge on how to create safe spaces for people across cultures.

Active Ally Certification
Upon Successful Completion you'll be awarded the Silver Level Certified Active Ally Badge and become an Entrepreneur For Social Justice for your work to hold yourself to the highest DE&I standards.
PLUS these Bonuses:

Community Coaching
Group Coaching Calls
Get immediate feedback while engaging with folx from diverse industries. Share best practices with other Ally’s on the same journey - we're stronger together!

Dos and Don’ts
The best way to “do” Allyship
Throwing money at problems has never been the right answer or best solution. Learn how to participate in Allyship in order to make the biggest impact, authentically.

Safe Space
You can’t get this from Google...
This is somewhere you can be vulnerable without fear of judgement along your journey. A supportive community of people on the same journey.
Imagine being guided through what it looks like to become a true Ally -
making a real impact,
embracing your values and diversity,
and having a solid advantage over your competitors.

Sherrain R.
"She spent countless hours of coaching me through a very stressful and challenging period- I came through it a better person with a deeper understanding of what was really important to me in life."

Jewana H.
"As a successful business woman, we all go through life's ups and downs. I have learned that I am not the only one, sometimes you just need that positive feedback and this has been it for me."

Shera L.
"Always there when I needed her, and gives great advice. Very professional, educated, experienced, and compassionate. I appreciate the work you are doing to push women to be the best they can be."

The “We’re in this Together” Promise:
If you complete this program and don’t feel like you have a solid plan and implementation steps for Active Allyship, you deserve your money back.
If you go through the calls together and work the steps, we’re confident you’re going to be able to increase your revenue and have higher performance against competitors because of the huge benefits you get from having an Active Allyship plan.
Send an email to [email protected] and we’ll happily give you your money back.
Become an Ally >Introducing a program where everyone is welcome...

(Valued at $1,200)
(Valued at $397)
Strategic Diversity
(Valued at $1,997)
PLUS: Active Ally Certification
Community Calls, Dos and Don'ts, and Safe Space for Growth
Valued at $3,594
Today's Price = $997
or 2 payments of $499

Decide you’re an Active Ally, now!
You don’t know what you don’t know, and by the time it happens it’s too late.
We’ve all seen that things can go from successful to disastrous with diversity missteps.
Avoid going it alone and letting fear keep your from Being an Active Ally.
Become an Ally >You have questions, we have answers.
Is this for me? Because I’m not an activist, but I also don’t like what I’m seeing and want to do something about it.
What types of industries is this program for? I’ve not seen much happening in mine.
I hate to admit this, but my family is racist. How do I do this work and be vocal without causing problems?
Is this actually going to do anything to make a real impact? I’m just one person and there are tons of people out there who are going to keep being hateful.
I’m scared that even with this help, I still will be too afraid to step up. Any advice?
I see stories about people losing clients over equality issues, am I going to lose clients because of this?
I want to help you infuse inclusive messaging and processes into current business practices so you can find greater success and make a REAL impact in your business community.
If you remember anything, remember that hindsight is 20/20.
How do you want to look back at this moment?
Do you want to remember:
“OMG, YES! This was the moment I made a change and became an Ally and social justice leader!”
"I wish I would've taken a stand, learned what it meant to live my values, and focused on social justice."
Become a part of the inclusivity movement, and learn how to be a true Active Ally in your business!
Introducing a program where everyone is welcome...

(Valued at $1,200)
(Valued at $397)
Strategic Diversity
(Valued at $1,997)
PLUS: Active Ally Certification
Community Calls, Dos and Don'ts, and Safe Space for Growth
Valued at $3,594
Today's Price = $997
or 2 payments of $499